Sally Davis

Sally Davis

07870 246439

Managing Director

Qualifying at The Birmingham College of Food in Hotel and Catering Management, Sally later gained her degree in Hospitality Administration in the US.

Sally’s impressive career history includes a series of roles at big name brands Hilton, Marriott, the NEC Group (Executive Board member) and Amadeus (Managing Director), where she led a £30m business, series of multi-million pound refurbishments and significant brand evolution, as well as a foray into franchising, a joint venture, and set up a new insight function.

This was followed by four years as a partner at The Russell Partnership and latterly as Director of Consulting, one of the UK’s leading specialist consultancies. Here, she developed their expansion into the Corporate, Conferencing and Leisure sectors. She became a Fellow of the Institute of Hospitality in 2013.

Thread was borne out of her bright, ambitious and friendly approach to an impressive list of clients built from relationships as a result of notable project work throughout her career, and has grown through strong referrals. Sally’s intuitive style enables her to rapidly distil complex issues and devise multi layered strategic options, delivering clarity and sustainable solutions.

Loves: her husband, two boys and a well-made margarita

Hates: pesto and washing the football kit

On her travel wish list is… Australia